Parents » Cafeteria



Every student is entitled to breakfast, lunch and supper meals.  Meal applications will be distributed to determine student eligibility for Local Control Federal funding and P-EBT cards for the 2022-23 school year.

Cafeteria Links

Click Below for Our Cafeteria Menus

Please click on one of these two links to apply for the meal program.
Online Application

This link will allow you to deposit and manage the money in your child's account.
Student Meal Account  

After School Snack Program

After School Programs give children a nutritional boost and draw them into supervised activities that are safe and offer learning opportunities. Under the National School Lunch Program, snacks/suppers can be served to children after their regular school day ends. The afterschool program must be organized, structured, supervised, and approved by the district to receive snacks/suppers from the Food Services Division.

After School Snack Programs are provided to children on the same income eligibility as school meals. However, all students receive snacks at no charge. In programs that operate at schools where at least 50 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals (area eligible), all snacks are claimed as free and there is no charge to the program. Schools with less than 50 percent free and reduced eligibility (non-area eligible) must be approved by Food Services Senior Staff. Non-area eligible schools must track the snacks by student eligibility and pay the difference between the cost of the snacks and the reimbursable amounts.

After School Supper Programs

After School Supper Programs are open to all students under the age of 18. This "first of a kind" supper program is being offered in over 500 schools across the District. Students are not required to be enrolled in either the school or the school's after school program to receive the supper. The suppers fill a much-needed gap in nutrition after the school day ends, meeting nutrition guidelines during the week and on weekends and holidays (where applicable).

  Breakfast Lunch
Free No Charge No Charge
Reduced Price No Charge $0.40
Full Price-Elementary No Charge $3.00