Student Assessment » Student Assessment

Student Assessment

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

In California, most students in grades three through five will participate in the 2023-2024 CAASPP tests, which include both ELA and Mathematics content areas. These tests are administered online. A student may be exempted from taking the CAASPP in three situations:
  1. If the student is taking the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs);
  2. If the student has been designated as an English learner and enrolled in school in the United States for less than12 months (only from the ELA portion of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment); or
  3. If the parent has expressed in writing that his or her student should be excluded from taking the summative assessments.
California Testing in 2023-2024

State testing will be in the Spring for all 3rd through 5th grade students. It is important that each student does his or her best on each test.

Attendance is very important during testing time. Please assist us by sending your students to school every day. It is also important to schedule medical or other appointments after the testing period. Students are much more comfortable taking the tests with their classmates as opposed to taking them in a make-up room with students from other classes.

Most importantly, we want students to do their best because that will give us the clearest picture of what we need to do to improve our teaching and provide stronger lessons for your children. Thank you for all your efforts.  If you would like to see what the test looks like and/or have your child practice taking the test, click here and then click on the green "Student Interface Practice and Training Tests" box.